by Admin New Vision IAS Academy | Dec 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
GILGIT-BALTISTAN DISPUTE During the first Indo-Pak war of October 1947, Pakistan occupied 78,114 sq km of the land of Jammu and Kashmir, including the ‘Northern Areas’. The Northern Areas is the other name of Gilgit-Baltistan that Pakistan has used for administrative...
by Admin New Vision IAS Academy | Dec 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
REDACTIVE PRICING AUDIT Redaction is the selection or adaption by ‘obscuring or removing sensitive information’ from a document prior to publication. Redactive pricing is nowhere used in SAI audit reports. It does not seem to have been used in a government audit by...
by Admin New Vision IAS Academy | Dec 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
PLEA BARGAINING Plea bargaining refers to a person charged with a criminal offence negotiating with the prosecution for a lesser punishment than what is provided in law by pleading guilty to a less serious offence It is common in the United States, and has been a...
by Admin New Vision IAS Academy | Dec 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
THEORY OF RELATIVE DEPRIVATION Relative deprivation is a measure of social poverty, often resulting in social isolation, limited social mobility, physical and mental stress, low self‐worth, and an effort–reward imbalance. Marx (1847) captures the intuitive appeal of...
by Admin New Vision IAS Academy | Dec 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
DOCTRINE OF LIVING TREE The Living Tree Doctrine was first recognized in the case of Edwards v. Canada (Attorney General) popularly known as Persons Case where Viscount Sankey stated that the British North American Act planted a living tree in the Constitution on...
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